Mini Pleat HEPA Filter / Absolute Filter E10, H12, H14 to EN1822

The Absolute / HEPA Filter are used to achieve the highest levels of air quality. HEPA filters are used in a wide variety of applications such as operating theatres, micro biological laboratories, electronics, pharmaceutical industries and research facilities. We offer Mini Pleat and Deep Pleat Style HEPA Filters.

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HEPA Filter / Absolute Filter Applications

Absolute filters (HEPA Filter) are used in a wide range of applications such as clean rooms, operating theaters, research facilities, the electronic and micro-electronic industries, nuclear and pharmaceutical industries and high speed turbines.

Clean Rooms tend to employ the narrow 146mm deep filter and utilise a lower face velocity in accordance with the relevant clean room standard requirements, thus providing a laminar air flow either across the work area or across the complete room depending upon the application.

HEPA Filter / Absolute Filter Construction

The filtration medium in the Absolute / HEPA filter is provided by microfine glass fibres formed into a paper-like surface, supplied in various grades depending upon filtration efficiency required. The filter paper is formed into a close pleated package to provide a large surface area. Spacers of aluminium or hot melt are inserted between each pleat to provide support for the pleat and maximise the surface of the filtration medium.

Mini Pleat HEPA Filter Alternatives

Deep Pleat HEPA Filter for hospitals, clean rooms, electronic manufacturing
Deep Pleat HEPA Filter

The Deep Pleat is a retro style filter most commonly bought as a replacement for existing systems with Deep Pleats HEPAs installed.

Deep Pleat HEPA filters are constructed out of a glass fibre paper pack, which is pleated to the depth of the filter and spaced with pleated aluminium or kraft paper spacers. The glass fibre paper pack secured within a metal or wooden case, with gasket available for the ÔÇÿair on’ side to ensure a tight seal.


Grade Overall Efficiency Local Value Efficiency Suggested for ISO 14644:1999
E11 95%
H12 99.5% ISO Class 8
H13 99.95% 99.75% ISO Class 6
H14 99.995% 99.975% ISO Class 5
U15 99.9995% 99.9975% ISO Class 4

Airflow Capacities for Grade E11 to EN1822

Size Rated
H mm W mm D mm Flow (m3/s) Pressure (Pa)
609 609 292 0.47 150
305 609 292 0.23 150
593 593 292 0.45 150
288 593 292 0.21 150

Airflow Capacities for Grade H12 – H14 to EN1822

Size Rated
H mm W mm D mm Flow (m3/s) Pressure (Pa)
508 508 75 0.12 200
609 609 75 0.17 200
609 762 75 0.21 200
609 918 75 0.25 200
609 1220 75 0.34 200
609 1524 75 0.42 200
609 1828 75 0.15 200
762 762 75 0.27 200
762 918 75 0.32 200
762 1220 75 0.42 200
762 1524 75 0.53 200
762 1828 75 0.64 200
305 305 146 0.06 250
457 457 146 0.10 250
508 508 146 0.16 250
609 609 146 0.24 250
609 762 146 0.30 250
609 918 146 0.35 250
609 1220 146 0.47 250
609 1524 146 0.59 250
609 1828 146 0.71 250
762 762 146 0.37 250
762 918 146 0.44 250
762 1220 146 0.59 250
762 1524 146 0.74 250
762 1828 146 0.89 250
918 918 146 0.53 250
918 1220 146 0.71 250
918 1524 146 0.89 250
918 1828 146 1.06 250
305 305 292 0.12 250
457 457 292 0.27 250
508 508 292 0.33 250
609 609 292 0.45 250
609 762 292 0.59 250
609 918 292 0.71 250
609 1220 292 0.94 250
609 609 146 0.40 280
609 762 146 0.50 280
609 918 146 0.60 280
609 1220 146 0.80 280
609 1524 146 1.00 280
609 1828 146 1.20 280
762 762 146 0.63 280
762 918 146 0.75 280
762 1220 146 1.00 280
762 1524 146 1.25 280
762 1828 146 1.50 280
918 918 146 0.90 280
918 1220 146 1.20 280
918 1524 146 1.50 280
918 1828 146 1.80 280
305 305 292 0.20 280
457 457 292 0.45 280
508 508 292 0.56 280
609 609 292 0.80 280
609 762 292 1.00 280
609 918 292 1.20 280
609 1220 292 1.61 280

75mm deep are fitted with 1 x 6mm gasket on clean face, filters giving an 81mm deep filter
146mm deep filters are fitted with 1 x 6mm gasket on clean face, giving an 152mm deep filter
292mm deep filters are fitted with 1 x 6mm gasket on clean face, giving an 298mm deep filter
Non Standard sizes are also available

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